
Work in Progress:

1. "Low-Carbon Investment and Climate Policy"

with Nathan Miller, Matthew Osborne, and Gretchen Sileo

2. Operator Transfers and the Life Cycle of Oil and Gas Wells

with Judson Boomhower and Catherine Hausman

3. "Zero-Emissions Freight Trucking and Infrastructure Provision"

with Frank Pinter and Ron Yang

Working Papers:

1. "Technology Transitions and the Timing of Environmental Policy: Evidence from Efficient Lighting"

2. "Regulatory Mandates and Electric Vehicle Product Variety"
with Frank Pinter

Published Papers:

1. "Innovation Market Failures and the Design of New Climate Policy Instruments"

with Noel Bahktian and Adam Jaffe. 2024. Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, edited by Matthew J. Kotchen, Tatyana Deryugina, and Catherine Wolfram, vol. 5: 4-48.

2. "The Welfare Implications of Carbon Price Certainty"
with Joseph Aldy. 2022. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 9(5): 921-946.

3. "The Cost Effectiveness Implications of Carbon Price Certainty"
with Joseph Aldy. 2020. AEA Papers and Proceedings 110: 113-18.